Tuesday, November 10, 2009
"Paradise Lost" Synopsis
Monday, November 2, 2009
A and B
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Epistolary, Letter 1
Chief, Branch Manager
HSBC New Delhi
Room 619
21, Utkarsh
New Delhi, India 466161
August 08, 2009
Randy O’Dolihan
1025 Main St
Algona, IA 1228
Dear Mr. O’Dolihan;
I am a banker that works for HSBC in New Delhi, India. I recently saw your flyer that you were looking for a pen pal looking to talk via letters. I would prefer chatting over the Internet but I can handle this.
Let me tell you about my self. My name is Raviv Shrandapula Rachi. I have grey hair and, unfortunately, balding. I am married to a beautiful woman named Shrashi Shermala Rachi. We, together, have 3 children. They are all girls. So as you see by now, women surround my whole life. This is in fact the reason I wanted to chat with you. I am in need of some man-to-man talking.
I was born into a rich family, which is not that typical in my country. My father was a lucky and excellent banker, while my mother was working as a lawyer. When I turned 15 I discovered I had a passion for math and money. I attended The University of New Delhi because my parents didn’t want me far away from home. I studied business and economics for 5 years and then my father offered me a job under his wing.
About ½ a year ago I quit my job and studied computer technology. Since now I have been attending NDIT (New Delhi IT).
Mr. O’Dolihan, I am in need of advice and just regular talking. I cannot say what I want to my wife so I have been trying to find friends. I thought I was done for until I found your flyer that you posted. It’s incredible that I’m all the way in India and I managed to find your flyer that you posted! I just want to let you know that if you get this letter please respond and we can talk about everyday life and share advice.
Raviv Shrandapula Rachi
Epistolary, Letter 2
1025 Main St
Algona, IA 1228
August, 15, 2009
Raviv Shrandapula Rachi
Chief, Branch Manager
HSBC New Delhi
Room 619
21, Utkarsh
New Delhi, India 466161
Dear Mr. Rachi;
My name is Randy O’Dolihan, son of Mark O’Dolihan and Mary Jenny. Sorry about my handwriting, I haven’t written anything in about 12 years. Thank God! You actually found my flyer. I put that up at least a year ago. Well yes, I am looking for someone to talk to. I have no friends right now and both my parents are gone. Sorry to hear about the Internet. We don’t have that in my town, let alone computers. You see, I live in a small town in Algona called Shriplen Heights. The population is about 300 people. What is the population in your country? Big or small?
Now, about me. I am 32 years old and currently unemployed. I used to work for a farm down in the village but after 2 years I started to get lazy and the boss didn’t like me bringing the cattle in later than 8 o’clock. Right now I applied for a horse grooming company down in the center of Iowa. I really hope I get the job because then I can talk to you on the Internet! My family is the complete opposite of yours. I was born in a poor home with 1 brother. My dad left when I was 6 so I never got the chance to get to know him, but oh well. My mom brought me and Jimmy up all by herself. I think I’ll leave my personal life up to there. I want to get to know you more until I start spreading all the details.
I never really went to school because in the 1st grade I got expelled for setting a kid’s locker on fire. I didn’t really have any friends either. My mom then decided she didn’t want me to attend school ever again because of 2 reasons: 1, she didn’t have the money, and 2, she didn’t want me endangering other kids again. You can probably tell that I didn’t go to school from my grammar and spelling errors. I deeply apologize; I’m trying to make a good first impression.
Mr. Rachi, I think its destiny that you found my flyer because boy, I have a lot of advice to share with you. I think we can make this work out but I want you to stay committed to this pen pal relationship and forget to ever respond. So I hope you are interested in me and want to know more, I sure am. See you later, and have a good one!
Randy O’Dolihan
Epistolary, Letter 3
Chief, Branch Manager
HSBC New Delhi
Room 619
21, Utkarsh
New Delhi, India 466161
August 22, 2009
Randy O’Dolihan
1025 Main St
Algona, IA 1228
Dear Randy;
I am glad to see that my letter got through to you. Thank you as well, for replying. You see not many people respond to my mails so frankly this is a dream come true for me. Anyway, I think I feel that I know you better now so I’ll explain my problem to you.
When I was a boy growing up, my father was always there for me. He would be the one who would hold my hand on the way to school. About half a year ago, my father passed away in a terrible car crash. You see, from that point on, I haven’t had the courage to do anything except stay with my family and I want that to change sooner than later. So I am asking you, Randy, to please help me in my struggle and find courage to go out and meet new people.
At the moment, there is a married man in my class who, from what I can see, shares the same interests as me. He has pictures of cricket players on his desk, he loves his family, and I think we could become great friends. I just want to ask him to go get a beer somewhere and talk, but every time I talk to someone that I have never met before, I always seem to think they don’t like me. I need some courage.
I need your help on how to confront him. What should I say? There is a class party that is happening in about 3 days from now, should I go?
But I don’t want this chat to be always about me. What’s new with you? Tell me about your past and what’s going on now with your life. Thanks again Randy, for the help.
Raviv Shrandapula Rachi
Epistolary, Letter 4
1025 Main St
Algona, IA 1228
August 29, 2009
Raviv Shrandapula Rachi
Chief, Branch Manager
HSBC New Delhi
Room 619
21, Utkarsh
New Delhi, India 466161
Dear Raviv;
Sorry that I haven’t replied earlier. I have been really busy at work. Oh yeah! I just got a new job as a horse groomer for the local horse ranch. It doesn’t really pay well but it keeps me alive and breathin’.
Well thanks for asking, bud! Life’s pretty good now. Well if you think minimum wage, no education, and a really smelly apartment is good, then I guess I’m doing ok. I applied for this job about 2 weeks ago. It seemed right at the time but I think I can do much more but I’ll stay here for a while, save some money up for a 2-week reading/writing class, then I’ll apply for other jobs. You see, where I live, its like, if you know someone who works in the business, than you can get a job there, so really, I won’t have any problems.
Now, about your problem. I need to know more about this guy. Like is he a full time father? Can he spend time off work? Stuff like this will get me background knowledge and then I can tell if you will succeed in befriending this guy.
Hey, sorry to hear about your pa’. I bet he was a wonderful man. Tell your family that I’m terribly sorry and hope the best.
Ey’ listen. Because I’m helping you out with your dilemmas, would you mind doing something for me? I’ll tell you more when you answer back. I hope everything is good with the family and once this is all over, I hope we can meet in real life.
Epistolary, Letter 5
Chief, Branch Manager
HSBC New Delhi
Room 619
21, Utkarsh
New Delhi, India 466161
September 5, 2009
Randy O’Dolihan
1025 Main St
Algona, IA 1228
Dear Randy;
Sure thing buddy, anything you ask. By the way, you remember in your last letter you asked if we could meet up in real life? Well I think that will be very possible. My IT class is going to Illinois and that is very close to Iowa from what I can see on the map. Don’t get too exited at first because I have to ask the supervisor if we can go to another state, but if I’m allowed, we will see each other in no time!
Wonderful man! That’s really good to hear about your new job. Well don’t be too sad about it, horse groomer could be pretty interesting in a way. You know what? I think the IT firm I’m working with is looking for a new assistant for the front desk, and, if you are willing, I can maybe put in a good comment for you. You just have to send me a picture and a little paragraph about yourself. Make sure you look nice and serious in your photo.
So, back to the issue. Today the man, by the way his name is Dunkar, and I went out for lunch to a little restaurant. We talked about family problems, how to raise children, and cricket. My family and his family are going to have a dinner party at my house tonight so I think this is going really well. We both are also going to work on a new project at work. We are thinking of a program that can write down on the computer screen, what you say in real life. It might not even be possible, but Dunkar and I are becoming really good friends. And its all thanks to you Randy!
Listen, about your reading/writing class, if you want, I could send over some money for a class to get you started than you can take over? Just a thought. Don’t forget, you can ask anything.
Thanks again Randy, you made me feel sure about myself.
Epistolary, Letter 6
Algona, IA 1228
Chief, Branch Manager
HSBC New Delhi
Room 619
21, Utkarsh
New Delhi, India 466161
Oh really! Thanks. I wanted actually to ask if you knew of any job in India I could apply for, and you do! That’s great, il get started right away in my best English.
I got two words to say: OH, MY, GOD! You’re really coming to Illinois! That’s great, you might not even have to come to Iowa because I know someone there who can take me to Illinois! This is excellent news; I finally can meet the great Raviv.
Oh shucks, it’s not all because of me, you found courage all by yourself, and look where it lead you. You guys are doing stuff friends do all the time!
You don’t have to send the money Raviv, its really nice, but not needed. I want to work for the money on my own and achieve something all by myself.
My number is (001) 876-7653-879, please call.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hey Andreas? Whats that!

"Yea! I saw it with my own eyes." replyed Andreas.
Like it was the end of the world, they ran to the crash site. The wind was blowing softly that night.
As they arrived at the crash site, Michalis noticed something rustling in the shadows. He walked over there but there was nothing to be seen. Andreas picked up a stick and started to move inside the impact area. There was shrapnel and metal debris all over but nothing interesting. As Micheal was searching the shadows, a loud shriek alerted them both.
A small kid walked out of the bushes with nothing but a face mark and some pants. Andreas picked him up but he vanished into thin air. Andreas was astonished. Michalis looked all over the crash site for the boy, but nothing was to be found.
“Should we just go back home? I miss Baderette and her scrubber.” Michalis said.
“Alright, I guess my voice needs a rest after what happened out here today.”
“Ok Michalis, im going to bed, my head is killing me. What do you think happened to that kid?” explained Andreas.
“Meh, I think you should forget about it, I think he can take care of himself.” said Michalis.
“Ok I guess you're right.”
In the middle of the night, Andreas woke up in fright. He started panting loudly and tears fell from his eyes. He got out of his bead and went into the bathroom. He stared at himself and decided he would go find the kid.
He left the house in search of the mystery child. He brought along with him a towel, a bottle of water, and pepper spray, in case.
He walked around the house and back to the crash site. Andreas kept on walking and walking. He arrived at a small cave next to the lake. He crawled inside carefully, trying not to startle anything in there. He noticed footprints of blood on the floor. They continued further into the cave and the small child was there, next to a fire pit full of fiery ashes. Andreas stealthily walked around him and put the towel around his neck and said that it was going to be okay.
Andreas vanished.
The child consumed Andreas and became stronger and taller. He grew hair and muscles in the blink of an eye.
Michalis the next morning tried to find Andreas all over but there was no sign. He went back to the crash site and found Andreas' footprints walking into the cave. Michalis found Andreas' pepper spray and the child holding his towel. Michalis asked if he was ok and where Andreas was. The child said, “Follow me.”
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Romeo and Juliette Comments
I think this is an amazing idea to show a play. It’s entertaining and amusing.
Positive - This flipbook must have took a long time to make but the guy who made it made it look really nice and detailed especially the fight scene. That’s my favorite part. It follows the story and we know what happens through out the book. The Romeo and Juliette scene at the balcony was well drawn out and looked really nice.
Negative - This idea takes a long time to execute and at some times in the book, I didn’t understand what the written words said. Also, it would have looked 1000 times better if there was color in the background and even smaller details like birds etc... The Tybalt and Mercutio fight was too slow and was boring for me.
2. Stop Motion
This idea, again, takes too long to make but it was very well thought out and the characters he chose were funny (master chief).
Positive - This was really cool and the setting made it even better. The song played also has an impact on the play. It makes it feel gloomy and dull. Again, he did it very well because I knew what was going on.
Negative - He didnt hold the camera well enough so I was getting dizzy at some points and the characters were walking wierd.
3. Sock Puppets - Scottish
This was really funny but boring at the same time. The voices were annoying my brain.
Positive - Funny and good puppet skills.
Negative - Boring and I didnt know who was talking at times because it was the same voice even though the mouth didnt move on the other one.
4. Animatics
The drawings were really good but the length was too short.
Positive - Good drawings and sound effects.
Negative - The pictures were moving too fast so I didnt get a chance to look at all details except when i paused it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

25 Cent, born Jose El Peninio (November 12th, 1983 - **), is a wealthy and well known rapper
who started his career from nothing but scraps and trying to
survive on the streets of Niños Héroes, Mexico. He started to embrace
and love music at the age of 7, where him and his friends
would do little concerts at the corners of every street. He made it
big in the music business in 2000, only 17. Today he resides in
Miami, Florida.
1. Early Life
- Childhood
- Teenage Years
2. Music Career
- Labels
- Concerts
3. Private Life
- Martial Status
4. Music
- Known Songs
- Discography
_ Future
5. References
6. External Links
Early Life
Jose El Peninio was born in Mexico in 1983. His parents were
Juanita El Peninio and Jesus El Peninio. Jose was an only child.
On the night of January 2nd, 1990, Jose was walking back from
boxing class and saw a poster of master Mexican rapper, Alfonzo
Mondranzo, his role model. This is when he realized what he wanted to do for the rest
of his life. Every night, at home, he would right some lyrics on his wall
next to his bed and wouldn't go to sleep without memorizing them. At age
ten he came up with his full written song, with it's own beats created
by his best friend Alejandro Muchado, named Pepperito Muchacho (at the time they were rapping together). This song is now one of Jose El Peninio's famous hits.
Teenage Years
After his first song, 25 Cent caught the attention of many agents working
in the Mexican Music Department (MMD). He had the choice of choosing between
4 agents, but he immediately chose Alfonzo Mondranzo's former agent. Jose
El Peninio was pulled out of his family and brought over to the center of
Mexico for the starting of his career. Jose began recording his first few
songs that he created back at his home. It took him about 1 year to release
his first album, "The Awakening" ("El Despertar"). After this release, he was
known worldwide. His agent thought it was best for him to learn English
if Jose would ever move to the United States of America for his career.
At age 17 he moved to Florida, USA.
Music Career
Jose El Peninio has been known for the person who had the most labels in a 2 year period.
He has joined Def Jam Records, Sony BMG, Universal Music Group, and EMI. He also has
been known for the person who earned the most in one label. In Sony BMG, he earned
9.2 million dollars.

25 Cent tours around the globe, bringing music into everyone. He has, so far, completed
6 tours. His first was when he moved into Florida. He toured the south of the United
States of America, playing in Texas, Arizona, and California. In Europe,
he went from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Croatia, Spain, Italy, and Germany. He won
a Guinness Record in Germany for most people attending a concert. There he received
almost 1 million people. Some people said that they were so far back in the stage they
couldn't even see the stage lights.
Personal Life
Martial Status
Jose El Peninio was married in 2003 to well known model Stephanie Dundee. As of today
they reside in many places around the world. They were seen together in Bern, Geneva,
The Bahamas, and some places in the Caribbean Islands. They together have 2 kids. One boy
and one girl. The boy is named Alejandro (age 2), named after Jose's old friend. And the girl
is named Maricruz (age 2.5).
Known Songs
1. In Da School
2. M.E.X.I.C.A.N
3. 21 Burritos
4. Taco Bank
5. El Pueblo Shop
6. This is 25
7. Just Uno More Time
8. Ayo TecnologĂa

Discography (Most Known)
2000 - Get a Sombrero or Die Tryin'
2002 - Jose
2003 - I Swear I don't Lip Sync
Jose El Peninio still works on music but is more focused on his wife and kids.
He plans to make a nursery when he retires. It will be called Kids Dreams as he told
E! on an interview. Also he will be featured in a couple of movies in late 2008 and late
2009. The titles have not yet been leaked except for one. In May 2009, he will be the
protagonist in a remake of Pepe Le Moko.
1. www.rappersrus.com/25cent
2. www.ghettotown.com
3. A Time in 25 Cent's Life, www.roadtomusic.com
4. www.sonybmg.com
5. www.usmusictours.com
6. www.emi.com
7. www.defjamrecords.com
8. www.umg.com
External Links
1. Official 25 Cent Website
2. 25 Cent Fan site
3. http://www.mexicorapping.com/
See Also
Rapper, Alfonzo Mondranzo
Friday, February 20, 2009
The Tonton Macoutes
The Tonton Macoutes, also known as MVSN, or National Security Volunteers, were a Haitian secret police forcethat was created in 1959. It was lead by Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier and the Macoutes were reporting directlyto him until his death in 1971. The army was disbanded in 1986 but some of the members turned into rebelsin 2000 because of the political turmoil.The name, Tonton Macoutes, was brought up from the Haitian Creole mythology. If you translate it word for word, itmeans "Uncle Gunnysack." A Gunny Sack is a bag made of burlap and is used to transport grains. Tonton Macoute wasthe name of a boogeyman (a folkloric word for a demon creature that goes from kids to kids house's and scares them.) In the Haitian mythology, the bogeyman walked in the dark streets at night, kidnapping children who stayed out too late and stuffed them into a gunnysack, never to return again. This is when the Tonton Macoutes were born. Anyone whoopposed Papa Doc would be taken in the night and no one would ever see them again. The people were too afraid to talk about the MVSN so they adapted the name, Tonton Macoute, to reffer to them.
About their leader
Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier was born on the 15th of April in 1907 Port au Prince, Haiti. Unlike most Haitians, Francois had the privilege to an education, after which he studied in the University of Haiti, completing a degree in medicine. He worked in several hospitals in Haiti until 1943 when he joined the active campaign in the USA, to stop the spread of diseases many of which are common in Haiti. 1946 he became the Director of Public Health of Haiti.
Following that in 1949 he served as both the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labor. After the coup d’etat of the government of Paul Magloire he was sent into exile until 1946 when he returned after an agreement.
For the election of 1957, Duvalier ran against Louis Dejoie, an individual from the richer “whiter” part of Haiti which Duvalier used against him, telling people he had no concerns for the poor black population. Duvalier won presidency but the army and many others believed the votes were rigged.
After the attempted coup of 1958, Duvalier set up a small “group” called the National Security Volunteers, commonly known as the Tonton Macoutes or the Boogeymen. Since they were volunteers, they made their living from crime and theft against the people of Haiti.
By 1961, this group had more power than he Haitian Army, loyal only to Duvalier; they tortured, terrorized, or murdered any who stood against Duvalier’s dictating regime.
Ironic to the fact that throughout his early career, Duvalier was fixed on helping the people (or so it seemed), the Tonton Macoutes threatened the unauthorized social aid and community organization. By 1961 the world knew of Haiti’s governments’ corruption and the US cut off all economic assistance in order to press Haiti into becoming more democratic. Adversely, Duvalier rewrites the constitution to his liking, and then posed a one-candidate election showing off its corruptness, when Duvalier won 1.3 million to none. By 1964, Duvalier declares himself President for life and like monarchy; it would be passed on to his son in 1971.
With the Tonton Macoutes imposing, the strict Duvalier regime on the people killing anyone in their way, a serious drain of qualified professionals begins, hurting the country horrendously, as hundreds of doctors, lawyers, and teachers leave the country.
Tonton Macoutes
Among the 30,000 killed by Duvalier’s secret army, and many more sent into exile, this case is purely sick. In 1959, Duvalier suffered from a heart attack. During his heart attack he was unconscious for 9 hours. Many believe this is the reason for his behavior in the future as it could have affected his mental health. While recovering Duvalier left the power in the hands of the leader of the Tonton Macoutes, Clement Barbot. After recovery, Duvalier accused Barbot of trying to overthrow him as President and had him imprisoned.
In 1963 he released Barbot from prison. Barbot devised a plan to remove Duvalier from power by capturing his children. Duvalier ordered a search for Barbot. An example of one of his irrational acts, Duvalier had heard that Barbot had transformed his self into a black dog. This led him having all black dogs in Haiti put to death. The last heard of Barbot was when he was shot dead by the Tonton Macoutes in July, 1963.
Retrieved February 13, 2009, from
Retrieved February 15, 2009, from
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Photography Essay
We set up our gaming station in Kevin's room, and turn on the DJ set. Kevin inserts his favorite disk in, DJ Mondo's Mix, and we start gaming. About 5 minutes into our gaming session, we hear Shaun say, "Abeedoooo! HEADSHOT!" We wonder why he is shouting that loud so we go inside in his room and investigate. Shaun killed 24 people and died only once! I am amazed but Kevin is not. Kevin sits down and buys his weapons. About 10 mintues later Shaun calls it. Kevin got 5 kills and 19 deaths. Kevin says he is tired but we all know he cant play FPS's.
It was Nathalie's turn to serve. She has a pretty decent first serve but the % of it going in, is extremely low. Let's say of about 20 balls, she would get 7 in. She serves her second serve (slice) very good on the contrary. So we have a long first rally on the first point, about 2 minutes, and then she wips this huge backhand down the line. It hit the line for about 2 centimeters. The score for this last game was now Deuce, which means 40-40.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Agree or Disagree
Statement 3. Agree because when you want to pursue something and really achieve something, and you do it with a lot of passion it will come true. For example, a bully came up to your friend and punched him and he became unconcious. Meanwhile, you feel really bad because you knew you could do something but you didn't. If you plan to beat up the bully or talk some sense into him you would have to work along time on your mental skills and physical skills. You could punch the bully back and feel good that you are defending your friend, or convince him not to beat up on people and still feel good that he wont do it again. On the other hand, I disagree because if your parents pass away, it would or could be very hard to become happy again, but anything is possible if you just believe.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
WoW Chron Podcast Review

Episode - World of Warcraft Chronicles
Episode 34
Date - 02/08/2008
Time - 33:31
Website - Itunes Podcast Directory
Description of Episode - So it's been a while, I know. But, I'm hoping that I can continue the show in small doses every couple weeks to a month and try and keep that schedule going. I got a lot of emails from people saying they want a show, even if it's short and only once a month, so I'll give it a shot. I love, and always have loved making Wow Chronices for all of you, so thanks for all the kind emails I continue to get to this day. In episode 34, I chat a little about the latest on Wrath of the Lich King. Guest host on this episode is Will, whom you may remember from Episode 26 for the Warrior interview. Enjoy the show!
Why I picked this podcast? - This podcast is all me. I love playing video games. Currently the most game i play at the moment is, the most played online role-playing game in the world, World of Warcraft. This podcast series is about that.World of Warcraft is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) that has 11 million players online at this point in time. These podcasts that are released, cover the basics of the game and alsothe next expansion packs and also interviews with WoW (World of Warcraft) players. This is the reason I lovethis podcast. I cannot wait for the new expansion pack and I always want to know what it will be like.
In this epidsode,the host, is describing in detail the latest information on the upcoming expansion, Wrath of the Lich King or WotLK. In WotLK the level has been increased to 80 from 70. Many players around the whole world are eagerly waiting for this game to be released and start to level their virtual characters. The host in the show explains that in WoW there are these badges called Badge of Justice that drop from a boss in a raid and you can use them to hand into special vendors who will in return, give you a specific gear that you have chosen. But now, because of the new expansion pack, these Badges of Justice are no longer useable for level 80 gear. You can still use these badges now for level 70 gear to make your leveling from 70-80 easier than if you would have worse gear.After the host starts to talk about each class in World of Warcraft and their new abilities, he starts of with the warrior class and says that Blizzard (The creators of WoW) will be increasing the warriors damage so it will be a little more fun to play for the people who chose a warrior as their character. Proceeding after thewarrior class, he talks about the mage character. The man talks about Blizzard and their thoughts of creating anew spell for mages. It will be called living bomb and it should deal damage over time, and also at the end, it should "blow up" the target by pushing the other character. Although this sounds like a good spell, Blizzard is still thinking about changing the effect of the spell. Next is the Paladin class. He explains that the class isgetting a whole new set of spells and abilities to make the class, again, a little more fun for people to play as.Supposedly, there is a new spell that has been discussed in the Blizzard Halls called Beacon of Light and they aretrying to fit the spell as much as possible with the paladin class. Next up is the hunter class that is talked about.The hunters now can tame much bigger pets for example devilsaurs (Huge t-rex kind of looking dinosaurs) thatwill deal much more damage than average pets and also, look much cooler than normal pets. This is all the classesthat the host talks about in this episode. Then he gets really exited about the new calendar feature that will ablepeople to see events that are happening and their time and dates. Also, this new feature will let guilds plantheir raids for example what time and what day. Another feature is the new quest sharing ability. Before this patch, you could only share a quest (when you give the quest to someone else who doesnt have the quest) when another character is next to you. Well the new thing is that now, you can share quests where ever the other people areso it gets rid of all the hastle. Also, you can link the quest in the chat box so that other people can click on it and it will show the details. Many people are very happy and satisfied that Blizzard has done this. This is the part that everyone in the world has been waiting for and the reason that people have subscribed to this podcast.Blizzard has finaly showed in public, the new mounts! There will be alot more that these that he talks about but here they are. A very fast flying mount that you can only get at level 80 which is the Winged Steel of the EbonBlade. This is a skeletal gryphon that can only be summoned in Outland and Northrend. Also there are variationsof this mount that look the same but different names such as Swift Skeletal Gryphon and the normal Skeletal Gryphon (swift is faster). As for mounts that run on ground, there is a very fast Polar Bear with very cool armor and spikes. This is all he has to talk about this week on WoW Chronicles, but he still has one more surprisefor us. A guest speaker that has spoken on episode 26 about the Warrior class.The guy speaking to us is named Will. Will tells us the thing that every WoW player has been talking about and waiting for. The new class, Death Knight. Death Knights will have 3 different talent trees where you put your talentpoints each level. There will be Blood, Frost, and Unholy. Death Knights will be able to be a damage class and also a tank. What a tank is, is a character that attacks a enemy first and gets a hold on that enemy so that everyone else can do damage to it and kill it. Will then goes on to explain the new achievemnt system. This willenable people to do certain stuff and get achievements, sort of like medals, for what they have done. For example:Exploring the whole of Northrend or all the lands of World of Warcraft. Also, having a certain number of kills willgrant you an acievement.
Just for the layman what I have just written might be read as another language... indeed you have to know what I am talking about, WoW is a very advanced online game that is shared by lots of people like me, not quite obsessed by it but really into it and always trying to be at the top of the game. This podcast helps me keeping in touch with what's happening and what's new with this MMORPG.
I really reccomend this podcast to anyone who plays WoW to always know the upcoming news and also, even if you don't know WoW, you can start this podcast to get to like it.