Sunday, September 13, 2009

Epistolary, Letter 3

Chief, Branch Manager

HSBC New Delhi

Room 619

21, Utkarsh

New Delhi, India 466161

August 22, 2009

Randy O’Dolihan

1025 Main St

Algona, IA 1228

Dear Randy;

I am glad to see that my letter got through to you. Thank you as well, for replying. You see not many people respond to my mails so frankly this is a dream come true for me. Anyway, I think I feel that I know you better now so I’ll explain my problem to you.

When I was a boy growing up, my father was always there for me. He would be the one who would hold my hand on the way to school. About half a year ago, my father passed away in a terrible car crash. You see, from that point on, I haven’t had the courage to do anything except stay with my family and I want that to change sooner than later. So I am asking you, Randy, to please help me in my struggle and find courage to go out and meet new people.

At the moment, there is a married man in my class who, from what I can see, shares the same interests as me. He has pictures of cricket players on his desk, he loves his family, and I think we could become great friends. I just want to ask him to go get a beer somewhere and talk, but every time I talk to someone that I have never met before, I always seem to think they don’t like me. I need some courage.

I need your help on how to confront him. What should I say? There is a class party that is happening in about 3 days from now, should I go?

But I don’t want this chat to be always about me. What’s new with you? Tell me about your past and what’s going on now with your life. Thanks again Randy, for the help.



Raviv Shrandapula Rachi


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