Sunday, September 13, 2009

Epistolary, Letter 2

1025 Main St
Algona, IA 1228

August, 15, 2009

Raviv Shrandapula Rachi
Chief, Branch Manager
HSBC New Delhi
Room 619
21, Utkarsh
New Delhi, India 466161

Dear Mr. Rachi;
My name is Randy O’Dolihan, son of Mark O’Dolihan and Mary Jenny. Sorry about my handwriting, I haven’t written anything in about 12 years. Thank God! You actually found my flyer. I put that up at least a year ago. Well yes, I am looking for someone to talk to. I have no friends right now and both my parents are gone. Sorry to hear about the Internet. We don’t have that in my town, let alone computers. You see, I live in a small town in Algona called Shriplen Heights. The population is about 300 people. What is the population in your country? Big or small?

Now, about me. I am 32 years old and currently unemployed. I used to work for a farm down in the village but after 2 years I started to get lazy and the boss didn’t like me bringing the cattle in later than 8 o’clock. Right now I applied for a horse grooming company down in the center of Iowa. I really hope I get the job because then I can talk to you on the Internet! My family is the complete opposite of yours. I was born in a poor home with 1 brother. My dad left when I was 6 so I never got the chance to get to know him, but oh well. My mom brought me and Jimmy up all by herself. I think I’ll leave my personal life up to there. I want to get to know you more until I start spreading all the details.

I never really went to school because in the 1st grade I got expelled for setting a kid’s locker on fire. I didn’t really have any friends either. My mom then decided she didn’t want me to attend school ever again because of 2 reasons: 1, she didn’t have the money, and 2, she didn’t want me endangering other kids again. You can probably tell that I didn’t go to school from my grammar and spelling errors. I deeply apologize; I’m trying to make a good first impression.
Mr. Rachi, I think its destiny that you found my flyer because boy, I have a lot of advice to share with you. I think we can make this work out but I want you to stay committed to this pen pal relationship and forget to ever respond. So I hope you are interested in me and want to know more, I sure am. See you later, and have a good one!



Randy O’Dolihan


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