Sunday, September 13, 2009

Epistolary, Letter 4

1025 Main St
Algona, IA 1228
August 29, 2009
Raviv Shrandapula Rachi
Chief, Branch Manager
HSBC New Delhi
Room 619
21, Utkarsh
New Delhi, India 466161
Dear Raviv;
Sorry that I haven’t replied earlier. I have been really busy at work. Oh yeah! I just got a new job as a horse groomer for the local horse ranch. It doesn’t really pay well but it keeps me alive and breathin’.
Well thanks for asking, bud! Life’s pretty good now. Well if you think minimum wage, no education, and a really smelly apartment is good, then I guess I’m doing ok. I applied for this job about 2 weeks ago. It seemed right at the time but I think I can do much more but I’ll stay here for a while, save some money up for a 2-week reading/writing class, then I’ll apply for other jobs. You see, where I live, its like, if you know someone who works in the business, than you can get a job there, so really, I won’t have any problems.
Now, about your problem. I need to know more about this guy. Like is he a full time father? Can he spend time off work? Stuff like this will get me background knowledge and then I can tell if you will succeed in befriending this guy.
Hey, sorry to hear about your pa’. I bet he was a wonderful man. Tell your family that I’m terribly sorry and hope the best.
Ey’ listen. Because I’m helping you out with your dilemmas, would you mind doing something for me? I’ll tell you more when you answer back. I hope everything is good with the family and once this is all over, I hope we can meet in real life.

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