Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Romeo and Juliette Comments

1. Flipbook
I think this is an amazing idea to show a play. It’s entertaining and amusing.
Positive - This flipbook must have took a long time to make but the guy who made it made it look really nice and detailed especially the fight scene. That’s my favorite part. It follows the story and we know what happens through out the book. The Romeo and Juliette scene at the balcony was well drawn out and looked really nice.
Negative - This idea takes a long time to execute and at some times in the book, I didn’t understand what the written words said. Also, it would have looked 1000 times better if there was color in the background and even smaller details like birds etc... The Tybalt and Mercutio fight was too slow and was boring for me.

2. Stop Motion
This idea, again, takes too long to make but it was very well thought out and the characters he chose were funny (master chief).
Positive - This was really cool and the setting made it even better. The song played also has an impact on the play. It makes it feel gloomy and dull. Again, he did it very well because I knew what was going on.
Negative - He didnt hold the camera well enough so I was getting dizzy at some points and the characters were walking wierd.

3. Sock Puppets - Scottish
This was really funny but boring at the same time. The voices were annoying my brain.
Positive - Funny and good puppet skills.
Negative - Boring and I didnt know who was talking at times because it was the same voice even though the mouth didnt move on the other one.

4. Animatics
The drawings were really good but the length was too short.
Positive - Good drawings and sound effects.
Negative - The pictures were moving too fast so I didnt get a chance to look at all details except when i paused it.

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