The Alien named Robenshnorf is stalking his prey, the humanoid named Jeffery Denson. They are in a barren desert and dying minute by minute of thirst. Robenshnorf already has a long stick equipped and ready to fight.
0:01 Robenshnorf: Mwahhhaahhaa, looks like I will kill the great Jeffery Denson after all. I will kill you and then go home to celebrate with some roast beef and my family.
Denson picks up the stick next to him but then throws it away because he wants to fight with honor
0:06 Jeffery Denson: We will see about that lizard man. You are no match to me against my deadly crane stance. Come on, let’s go, and lay one on me, if you’re not scared!
Robenshnorf takes his stick and swings really hard but Jeffery ducks and dodges it. The stick hit the tree and it is now broken.
0:12 Robenshnorf: Dang it! You broke my favorite stick! That is it; you will pay for this puny human. I will unleash the god’s wrath on you!
0:17 Denson: You wanna bet scumbag? Drop the stick and fight like a man, or should I say Alien?
Robenshnorf drops the stick and they go into fistfight mode. Denson is dodging all of Robenshnorf’s attack and counter attacking him.
0:24 Robenshnorf: Hmm, it looks like you might have a 6.3% chance of beating me. But I don’t think you can pass my death sucking bite!
Robenshnorf sticks his arms out and tries to grab Denson’s head to try to suck it. Denson kicks Robenshnorf in the stomach. Denson is thrown to the ground and trying to get back up on his feet.
0:36 Denson: Argh! How did you do that? Was that the throw of the titans or am I dreaming?
0:40 Robenshnorf: HA! You know of that throw? It was but now lets get back to fighting. Come here so I can suck your bladropsom. (Blood)
0:47 Denson: Never, I will not let you kill me like this! Let go of me! Sick!
Jeffery just starts laughing and puts a smile on his face.
0:55 Robenshnorf: What? What’s so funny? Is there something on my face?
0:58 Denson: Yes, MY HANDS!
Jeffery Denson runs up a nearby hill leaving Robenshnorf dizzy.
1:00 Robenshnorf: Come back here you scoundrel!
1:04 Denson: I think not, but I will stay to finish you off.
Jeffery picks up a rock and gets ready to throw it.
1:11 Robenshnorf: No, NO! Please don’t throw that!
Denson hits Robenshnorf with the rock.
1:19 Robenshnorf: AH! What in the tulips was that for? You are going to get it big time now!
1:26 Denson: What? Wait? What are you going to do to me?
Robenshnorf goes to a huge boulder and lifts it up, getting ready to throw it. He throws it but Denson dodges it.
1:53 Denson: Hasta La Vista Baby!
1:19 Robenshnorf: AH! What in the tulips was that for? You are going to get it big time now!
1:26 Denson: What? Wait? What are you going to do to me?
Robenshnorf goes to a huge boulder and lifts it up, getting ready to throw it. He throws it but Denson dodges it.
1:53 Denson: Hasta La Vista Baby!
Denson then runs away to greener pastures.
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