Saturday, September 20, 2008

Denson and Robenshnorf's Deadly Battle

The Alien named Robenshnorf is stalking his prey, the humanoid named Jeffery Denson. They are in a barren desert and dying minute by minute of thirst. Robenshnorf already has a long stick equipped and ready to fight.

0:01 Robenshnorf: Mwahhhaahhaa, looks like I will kill the great Jeffery Denson after all. I will kill you and then go home to celebrate with some roast beef and my family.

Denson picks up the stick next to him but then throws it away because he wants to fight with honor

0:06 Jeffery Denson: We will see about that lizard man. You are no match to me against my deadly crane stance. Come on, let’s go, and lay one on me, if you’re not scared!

Robenshnorf takes his stick and swings really hard but Jeffery ducks and dodges it. The stick hit the tree and it is now broken.

0:12 Robenshnorf: Dang it! You broke my favorite stick! That is it; you will pay for this puny human. I will unleash the god’s wrath on you!

0:17 Denson: You wanna bet scumbag? Drop the stick and fight like a man, or should I say Alien?

Robenshnorf drops the stick and they go into fistfight mode. Denson is dodging all of Robenshnorf’s attack and counter attacking him.

0:24 Robenshnorf: Hmm, it looks like you might have a 6.3% chance of beating me. But I don’t think you can pass my death sucking bite!

Robenshnorf sticks his arms out and tries to grab Denson’s head to try to suck it. Denson kicks Robenshnorf in the stomach. Denson is thrown to the ground and trying to get back up on his feet.

0:36 Denson: Argh! How did you do that? Was that the throw of the titans or am I dreaming?

0:40 Robenshnorf: HA! You know of that throw? It was but now lets get back to fighting. Come here so I can suck your bladropsom. (Blood)

0:47 Denson: Never, I will not let you kill me like this! Let go of me! Sick!
Jeffery just starts laughing and puts a smile on his face.

0:55 Robenshnorf: What? What’s so funny? Is there something on my face?

0:58 Denson: Yes, MY HANDS!

Jeffery Denson runs up a nearby hill leaving Robenshnorf dizzy.

1:00 Robenshnorf: Come back here you scoundrel!

1:04 Denson: I think not, but I will stay to finish you off.

Jeffery picks up a rock and gets ready to throw it.

1:11 Robenshnorf: No, NO! Please don’t throw that!

Denson hits Robenshnorf with the rock.

1:19 Robenshnorf: AH! What in the tulips was that for? You are going to get it big time now!

1:26 Denson: What? Wait? What are you going to do to me?

Robenshnorf goes to a huge boulder and lifts it up, getting ready to throw it. He throws it but Denson dodges it.

1:53 Denson: Hasta La Vista Baby!

Denson then runs away to greener pastures.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Games on this Blog?

Hey, just realized that I think I can put a game on my blog so im going to try put this Adagio game, its sort of like a guitar hero game on the PC. Enjoy, hope it works! Ok it works, but it doesnt work ON the blog. The good thing is that if you click it from my blog, it loads 100% instantly. Have Fun!


Click here to play this game

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mr. Simms Fine Holiday

This is Jeremy Simms. On June the 11th Mr. Simms cheered because it was the end of school. He rushed out of his room and got into his car and drove home. His wife was at the front door waiting for him to come home and start their vacation. They were going to Swaziland for a safari. The only problem was that his wife was pregnant! So they couldn't take a plane.They sat down and thought for about 12 hours. Then Jeremy found a solution. They were going to build a boat and sail it from Cyprus to Swaziland. They both went to SUPERHOME to get some supplies. Mr. Simms was in charge of the base of the boat and the sail. His wife was in charge of the flat screen, beds, food, tables, and chairs. (Theme of Rocky Plays) After three hard weeks of building they finally made it. This is a picture of their boat.

Jeremy carried his wife all the way from his house in Nicosia to the Pafos harbor, where his boat was. They were both sweating very hard but in their home-made boat they had air-conditioning and a 52” flat screen. They were living the life until.

About 3 hours into the voyage, Mr. Simms’ wife felt a rumbling under the boat. A huge whirlpool formed right next to the boat but the funny thing was that it didn’t suck them in. Instead, a huge transformer popped out saying, “I am Gigatron, Model x-52.” Mr. Simms and his wife were bewildered. They were on their way to the most luxurious place on the planet, and because of their luck, they get stopped by Gigatron, Destroyer of the Worlds! Mr. Simms couldn’t accept this. He needed to have a vacation with his wife and baby alone. Mr. Simms, with all his bravery, threw a dumpling the size of a fist at Gigatron’s face. Gigatron stared in amazement. Never in his entire life had someone threw something at him.

Mr. Simms and his family were just staring at Gigatron with him staring back as well. No one knew what to do so Mr. Simms took the first move. He went to the quarterdeck where the steering wheel was. He started the ship and moved forward to Swaziland. Gigatron was furious. He opened his laser beam arms and started to open fire on the ship. Mr. Simms was a pro boat racer so it was no problem but Mr. Simms was prepared for a robot attack. He kept one secret from his wife. He has installed a turbo jet fx-67 in the poop deck of the ship. He turned the switch and they went faster than the speed of light. Gigatron was again, amazed so he set out to find them and destroy them.

Mr. Simms knew Gigatron couldn’t defeat him and his wife for they were ninjas. They were about 1 hour away from Swaziland and nothing could stop Mr. Simms now. They arrived at the port and parked their ship. Mr. Simms carried his wife out and headed for the hotel room to rest. The next morning something terrible happened.

There was no coffee in the room! Jeremy called the front desk and ordered for some coffee to be brought to the room. Mr. Simms woke his wife up and they both went down the harbor. At the harbor everything was quiet and still. Mr. Simms was perplexed. He thought EVERYONE came to Swaziland for vacation but it wasn’t true.

Gigatron was close to the hotel and coming close to the room. He fired up his heat seeking missiles on the room and fired. Mr. Simms jumped and caught his wife and dodged the rocket. It was the last time that Mr. Simms could take this so he just took his wife in his arms and went back to Cyprus in a plane.

Back in Cyprus everyone was asking how his summer went. Mr. Simms said they had an interesting but at the same time destructive summer. When school started Mr. Simms just told everyone that he went to Disney Land.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Music and my life

Music is a huge part of my life. I have really attached to Metal/Rock music and I just want you guys to know why that is and which band it is.
Linkin Park is a metal/rock/techno type of music because one guy in the band, Joe Hahn plays all the DJ music. So they blend a lot of music together. I actually went to one of their concerts in Connecticut and it was awesome! LP is from the United States. They started in High School and then became a huge hit with over 50 million sold albums.
I'm a huge fan of music. I used to like rap for about 3 years from 3rd grade to 5th grade. Then I found out it got repetitive. I then found a grasp for Metal/Rock. I listen to this music because it makes me feel relaxed and I can just chill and sing along with the song. I feel like this music has just caught on to me and I can always listen to it no matter what mood I am in, wether I am mad or happy. My favorite band right now is Linkin Park. To be more specific if you wanted to know, from Linkin Park, my favorite songs are Given Up, Bleed it Out, Figure .09, Nobody's Listening and Somewhere I Belong. I really like this band because every song they write has a meaning and you can sometimes refer to yourself from their songs. For example, Nobody's Listening is about someone in the world who tries to talk to people but no one listens to him/her probably because he/her is an outcast. Currently, Linkin Park has 3 albums and 2 Remix albums.
Studio albums:
Hybrid Theory (2000)
Meteora (2003)
Minutes to Midnight (2007)
Xero demo tape (1997)
Hybrid Theory (1999)
In the End: Live & Rare (2002)
Live from SoHo (2008)
DVDs/Live CD:
Reanimation (DVD-Audio) (2002)
Live in Texas (2003)
Collision Course (2004)
Minutes to Midnight (Limited Release) (2007)
Remix albums:
Reanimation (2002)
Collision Course (with Jay-Z) (2004)

Here is a video of probably my favorite song:

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Spore, the EA game about creatures is finnaly out! Probably the best RTS in the world right now, you can customize anything from people to cars to airoplanes to houses. Here is some pictures. This game is rated 8.8 in the US and 9.2 in the UK. It is only on the PC.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Mates

Kevin Botejue and Alex Panayi are jedi warriors. They have nice lightsabers but not nice headpiece because it only gives 1 Intellect and Kevin needs more because his warlock, Blacklust on Lightbringer is not good at damage. Only 500 spell damage. Alex's char is nice. He has nice feet gear with 20 stamina. Here are a few pictures. Im the best char out of all of them. Search on and in the search engine type, Kungen (level 70 guild Nihilum)

Me, Sports, and Video Games

The 2 major things that make myself who I am are sports, and video games. I practice tennis all the time and have been since the age of 4. The first time I picked up a racket, I already knew what to do with it. By the age of 10-11 I knew what i wanted to do for my career. It was to become a professional tennis player. Right now I play with a Serbian coach named Misha. I play 3 times a week for 1 hour each but I am going to increase it along the way. Currently im doing tournaments in the singles matches and doubles. My doubles partner is Michalis Michael. Thats my sport part of my life. Now to the other. I love playing video games. When I play one, nothing can pull me off it. Right now i play computer and Playstation 3. On the computer I play World of Warcraft. It's a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) with over 10 million players online. It was also given the most addictive game award. On the game I have 3 level 70's which is the maximum level you can get up to. I play WoW with some friends that are all around the world but some are in my school! It is Kevin, Zak, and Alex. We are probably the most poonage team that can ever exist. After the computer, I immediately go upstairs to the Ps3. On the Playstation I play Metal Gear Solid 4 which is a Japanese made game and it is a stealth game. I am currently waiting for the new games that are coming out which are Mirror's Edge, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Fallout 3, and the expansion for World of Warcraft (WoW) Probably the most unique thing about me is that I play tennis almost like a 20+ year old professional, well at least thats what my coach says.