About the NSV 
The Tonton Macoutes, also known as MVSN, or National Security Volunteers, were a Haitian secret police forcethat was created in 1959. It was lead by Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier and the Macoutes were reporting directlyto him until his death in 1971. The army was disbanded in 1986 but some of the members turned into rebelsin 2000 because of the political turmoil.The name, Tonton Macoutes, was brought up from the Haitian Creole mythology. If you translate it word for word, itmeans "Uncle Gunnysack." A Gunny Sack is a bag made of burlap and is used to transport grains. Tonton Macoute wasthe name of a boogeyman (a folkloric word for a demon creature that goes from kids to kids house's and scares them.) In the Haitian mythology, the bogeyman walked in the dark streets at night, kidnapping children who stayed out too late and stuffed them into a gunnysack, never to return again. This is when the Tonton Macoutes were born. Anyone whoopposed Papa Doc would be taken in the night and no one would ever see them again. The people were too afraid to talk about the MVSN so they adapted the name, Tonton Macoute, to reffer to them.
About their leader
The Tonton Macoutes, also known as MVSN, or National Security Volunteers, were a Haitian secret police forcethat was created in 1959. It was lead by Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier and the Macoutes were reporting directlyto him until his death in 1971. The army was disbanded in 1986 but some of the members turned into rebelsin 2000 because of the political turmoil.The name, Tonton Macoutes, was brought up from the Haitian Creole mythology. If you translate it word for word, itmeans "Uncle Gunnysack." A Gunny Sack is a bag made of burlap and is used to transport grains. Tonton Macoute wasthe name of a boogeyman (a folkloric word for a demon creature that goes from kids to kids house's and scares them.) In the Haitian mythology, the bogeyman walked in the dark streets at night, kidnapping children who stayed out too late and stuffed them into a gunnysack, never to return again. This is when the Tonton Macoutes were born. Anyone whoopposed Papa Doc would be taken in the night and no one would ever see them again. The people were too afraid to talk about the MVSN so they adapted the name, Tonton Macoute, to reffer to them.
About their leader
Early Life
Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier was born on the 15th of April in 1907 Port au Prince, Haiti. Unlike most Haitians, Francois had the privilege to an education, after which he studied in the University of Haiti, completing a degree in medicine. He worked in several hospitals in Haiti until 1943 when he joined the active campaign in the USA, to stop the spread of diseases many of which are common in Haiti. 1946 he became the Director of Public Health of Haiti.
Following that in 1949 he served as both the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labor. After the coup d’etat of the government of Paul Magloire he was sent into exile until 1946 when he returned after an agreement.
For the election of 1957, Duvalier ran against Louis Dejoie, an individual from the richer “whiter” part of Haiti which Duvalier used against him, telling people he had no concerns for the poor black population. Duvalier won presidency but the army and many others believed the votes were rigged.
After the attempted coup of 1958, Duvalier set up a small “group” called the National Security Volunteers, commonly known as the Tonton Macoutes or the Boogeymen. Since they were volunteers, they made their living from crime and theft against the people of Haiti.
By 1961, this group had more power than he Haitian Army, loyal only to Duvalier; they tortured, terrorized, or murdered any who stood against Duvalier’s dictating regime.
Ironic to the fact that throughout his early career, Duvalier was fixed on helping the people (or so it seemed), the Tonton Macoutes threatened the unauthorized social aid and community organization. By 1961 the world knew of Haiti’s governments’ corruption and the US cut off all economic assistance in order to press Haiti into becoming more democratic. Adversely, Duvalier rewrites the constitution to his liking, and then posed a one-candidate election showing off its corruptness, when Duvalier won 1.3 million to none. By 1964, Duvalier declares himself President for life and like monarchy; it would be passed on to his son in 1971.
With the Tonton Macoutes imposing, the strict Duvalier regime on the people killing anyone in their way, a serious drain of qualified professionals begins, hurting the country horrendously, as hundreds of doctors, lawyers, and teachers leave the country.
Tonton Macoutes
Among the 30,000 killed by Duvalier’s secret army, and many more sent into exile, this case is purely sick. In 1959, Duvalier suffered from a heart attack. During his heart attack he was unconscious for 9 hours. Many believe this is the reason for his behavior in the future as it could have affected his mental health. While recovering Duvalier left the power in the hands of the leader of the Tonton Macoutes, Clement Barbot. After recovery, Duvalier accused Barbot of trying to overthrow him as President and had him imprisoned.
In 1963 he released Barbot from prison. Barbot devised a plan to remove Duvalier from power by capturing his children. Duvalier ordered a search for Barbot. An example of one of his irrational acts, Duvalier had heard that Barbot had transformed his self into a black dog. This led him having all black dogs in Haiti put to death. The last heard of Barbot was when he was shot dead by the Tonton Macoutes in July, 1963.
Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier was born on the 15th of April in 1907 Port au Prince, Haiti. Unlike most Haitians, Francois had the privilege to an education, after which he studied in the University of Haiti, completing a degree in medicine. He worked in several hospitals in Haiti until 1943 when he joined the active campaign in the USA, to stop the spread of diseases many of which are common in Haiti. 1946 he became the Director of Public Health of Haiti.
Following that in 1949 he served as both the Minister of Health and the Minister of Labor. After the coup d’etat of the government of Paul Magloire he was sent into exile until 1946 when he returned after an agreement.
For the election of 1957, Duvalier ran against Louis Dejoie, an individual from the richer “whiter” part of Haiti which Duvalier used against him, telling people he had no concerns for the poor black population. Duvalier won presidency but the army and many others believed the votes were rigged.
After the attempted coup of 1958, Duvalier set up a small “group” called the National Security Volunteers, commonly known as the Tonton Macoutes or the Boogeymen. Since they were volunteers, they made their living from crime and theft against the people of Haiti.
By 1961, this group had more power than he Haitian Army, loyal only to Duvalier; they tortured, terrorized, or murdered any who stood against Duvalier’s dictating regime.
Ironic to the fact that throughout his early career, Duvalier was fixed on helping the people (or so it seemed), the Tonton Macoutes threatened the unauthorized social aid and community organization. By 1961 the world knew of Haiti’s governments’ corruption and the US cut off all economic assistance in order to press Haiti into becoming more democratic. Adversely, Duvalier rewrites the constitution to his liking, and then posed a one-candidate election showing off its corruptness, when Duvalier won 1.3 million to none. By 1964, Duvalier declares himself President for life and like monarchy; it would be passed on to his son in 1971.
With the Tonton Macoutes imposing, the strict Duvalier regime on the people killing anyone in their way, a serious drain of qualified professionals begins, hurting the country horrendously, as hundreds of doctors, lawyers, and teachers leave the country.
Tonton Macoutes
Among the 30,000 killed by Duvalier’s secret army, and many more sent into exile, this case is purely sick. In 1959, Duvalier suffered from a heart attack. During his heart attack he was unconscious for 9 hours. Many believe this is the reason for his behavior in the future as it could have affected his mental health. While recovering Duvalier left the power in the hands of the leader of the Tonton Macoutes, Clement Barbot. After recovery, Duvalier accused Barbot of trying to overthrow him as President and had him imprisoned.
In 1963 he released Barbot from prison. Barbot devised a plan to remove Duvalier from power by capturing his children. Duvalier ordered a search for Barbot. An example of one of his irrational acts, Duvalier had heard that Barbot had transformed his self into a black dog. This led him having all black dogs in Haiti put to death. The last heard of Barbot was when he was shot dead by the Tonton Macoutes in July, 1963.
Tonton Macoute. (2009). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved February 13, 2009, from
Retrieved February 13, 2009, from
François Duvalier. (2009). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved February 15, 2009, from
Retrieved February 15, 2009, from