Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Agree or Disagree

Statement 1. Agree because adults generally have a better knowledge of the world and understand things much easier than a child who would not know as much. Also you need to study politics in college and have a background of international affairs. Next, adults watch alot more news than children, I know its the stereotype, but most do.

Statement 3. Agree because when you want to pursue something and really achieve something, and you do it with a lot of passion it will come true. For example, a bully came up to your friend and punched him and he became unconcious. Meanwhile, you feel really bad because you knew you could do something but you didn't. If you plan to beat up the bully or talk some sense into him you would have to work along time on your mental skills and physical skills. You could punch the bully back and feel good that you are defending your friend, or convince him not to beat up on people and still feel good that he wont do it again. On the other hand, I disagree because if your parents pass away, it would or could be very hard to become happy again, but anything is possible if you just believe.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

WoW Chron Podcast Review

Episode - World of Warcraft Chronicles

Episode 34

Date - 02/08/2008

Time - 33:31

Website - Itunes Podcast Directory

Description of Episode - So it's been a while, I know. But, I'm hoping that I can continue the show in small doses every couple weeks to a month and try and keep that schedule going. I got a lot of emails from people saying they want a show, even if it's short and only once a month, so I'll give it a shot. I love, and always have loved making Wow Chronices for all of you, so thanks for all the kind emails I continue to get to this day. In episode 34, I chat a little about the latest on Wrath of the Lich King. Guest host on this episode is Will, whom you may remember from Episode 26 for the Warrior interview. Enjoy the show!

Why I picked this podcast? - This podcast is all me. I love playing video games. Currently the most game i play at the moment is, the most played online role-playing game in the world, World of Warcraft. This podcast series is about that.World of Warcraft is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) that has 11 million players online at this point in time. These podcasts that are released, cover the basics of the game and alsothe next expansion packs and also interviews with WoW (World of Warcraft) players. This is the reason I lovethis podcast. I cannot wait for the new expansion pack and I always want to know what it will be like.
In this epidsode,the host, is describing in detail the latest information on the upcoming expansion, Wrath of the Lich King or WotLK. In WotLK the level has been increased to 80 from 70. Many players around the whole world are eagerly waiting for this game to be released and start to level their virtual characters. The host in the show explains that in WoW there are these badges called Badge of Justice that drop from a boss in a raid and you can use them to hand into special vendors who will in return, give you a specific gear that you have chosen. But now, because of the new expansion pack, these Badges of Justice are no longer useable for level 80 gear. You can still use these badges now for level 70 gear to make your leveling from 70-80 easier than if you would have worse gear.After the host starts to talk about each class in World of Warcraft and their new abilities, he starts of with the warrior class and says that Blizzard (The creators of WoW) will be increasing the warriors damage so it will be a little more fun to play for the people who chose a warrior as their character. Proceeding after thewarrior class, he talks about the mage character. The man talks about Blizzard and their thoughts of creating anew spell for mages. It will be called living bomb and it should deal damage over time, and also at the end, it should "blow up" the target by pushing the other character. Although this sounds like a good spell, Blizzard is still thinking about changing the effect of the spell. Next is the Paladin class. He explains that the class isgetting a whole new set of spells and abilities to make the class, again, a little more fun for people to play as.Supposedly, there is a new spell that has been discussed in the Blizzard Halls called Beacon of Light and they aretrying to fit the spell as much as possible with the paladin class. Next up is the hunter class that is talked about.The hunters now can tame much bigger pets for example devilsaurs (Huge t-rex kind of looking dinosaurs) thatwill deal much more damage than average pets and also, look much cooler than normal pets. This is all the classesthat the host talks about in this episode. Then he gets really exited about the new calendar feature that will ablepeople to see events that are happening and their time and dates. Also, this new feature will let guilds plantheir raids for example what time and what day. Another feature is the new quest sharing ability. Before this patch, you could only share a quest (when you give the quest to someone else who doesnt have the quest) when another character is next to you. Well the new thing is that now, you can share quests where ever the other people areso it gets rid of all the hastle. Also, you can link the quest in the chat box so that other people can click on it and it will show the details. Many people are very happy and satisfied that Blizzard has done this. This is the part that everyone in the world has been waiting for and the reason that people have subscribed to this podcast.Blizzard has finaly showed in public, the new mounts! There will be alot more that these that he talks about but here they are. A very fast flying mount that you can only get at level 80 which is the Winged Steel of the EbonBlade. This is a skeletal gryphon that can only be summoned in Outland and Northrend. Also there are variationsof this mount that look the same but different names such as Swift Skeletal Gryphon and the normal Skeletal Gryphon (swift is faster). As for mounts that run on ground, there is a very fast Polar Bear with very cool armor and spikes. This is all he has to talk about this week on WoW Chronicles, but he still has one more surprisefor us. A guest speaker that has spoken on episode 26 about the Warrior class.The guy speaking to us is named Will. Will tells us the thing that every WoW player has been talking about and waiting for. The new class, Death Knight. Death Knights will have 3 different talent trees where you put your talentpoints each level. There will be Blood, Frost, and Unholy. Death Knights will be able to be a damage class and also a tank. What a tank is, is a character that attacks a enemy first and gets a hold on that enemy so that everyone else can do damage to it and kill it. Will then goes on to explain the new achievemnt system. This willenable people to do certain stuff and get achievements, sort of like medals, for what they have done. For example:Exploring the whole of Northrend or all the lands of World of Warcraft. Also, having a certain number of kills willgrant you an acievement.

Just for the layman what I have just written might be read as another language... indeed you have to know what I am talking about, WoW is a very advanced online game that is shared by lots of people like me, not quite obsessed by it but really into it and always trying to be at the top of the game. This podcast helps me keeping in touch with what's happening and what's new with this MMORPG.

I really reccomend this podcast to anyone who plays WoW to always know the upcoming news and also, even if you don't know WoW, you can start this podcast to get to like it.